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How Can Hearing Aids Help You?

August 7, 2023

There's nothing wrong with telling people you're having trouble hearing. According to, a consumer website and clinic directory, 16% of people actually say they have problems with their hearing. That number would likely be higher, but there are those who are too ashamed to admit they can't hear as well as they did in the past. It would really benefit them to get tested by an audiologist and get hearing aids. Here are several ways these devices can do a lot to help.

They Can Help You Hear on the Phone

Do you avoid talking on the phone because you can't hear people? Hearing aids have a setting where it uses a T-coil that blocks all background noise, allowing you to hear just the voice on the phone. Many of these aids also have Bluetooth capabilities, which means you can pair your smartphone with the aid and just stream the call right to your ear. That means you don't have to hold the phone to your ear.

They Can Help With Everyday Conversations

In the past, being in a crowd with a lot of background noise meant being uncomfortable, since it could be hard to track who was saying what. There are settings on hearing aids called forward focus, which amplify what's being said in front of you and filter out background noise. That means you'll hear the people in front of you. They're great if you're on a date in a crowded restaurant because you'll be able to hear what they are saying.

They Can Help You Watch TV

If you have to play your television at a volume that can be heard from three houses away, that's a sign you're losing your hearing. You can spare your neighbors and your spouse any discomfort and set up your Bluetooth with the TV so it streams to your
hearing aids. That way, you can enjoy your television shows and also keep the neighborhood quiet.

Having these devices isn't a sign of defeat. This type of technology has advanced so much over the decades that it can only benefit you. Best of all, companies are able to make them smaller and still be powerful, which means that you can discreetly wear them if you want. Talk to an audiologist - you'll be glad you did. Contact Advantage Hearing Center today!

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