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3 Tips for Taking Care Of Your Hearing Aids

September 29, 2022
If you wear hearing aids, you'll want to take good care of them to avoid unnecessary replacement. Fortunately, it's not difficult or time-consuming to maintain your hearing aids. In fact, many hearing aids for sale will include their own manuals to help you take care of them. Follow the three tips below to increase hearing aid longevity and prevent premature replacement.

1. Keep Them Clean

The first thing that you need to do is to keep your hearing aids clean at all times. Before you touch them, wash and dry your hands thoroughly. Since your hearing aid will sit on your ear for several hours at a time, you want to reduce the amount of bacteria and moisture it's exposed to whenever possible. Next, clean the hearing aids themselves as instructed by your doctor or the instruction manual. This involves wiping their different components with a cloth so that you don't get them wet. Use this cloth to remove any visible earwax, sweat, and dead skin. You can also clean the battery contacts as needed.

2. Keep Them Dry

Again, you need to make sure that your hearing aids stay dry. These devices have electrical components, so reducing the amount of water and moisture that they come into contact with can keep them functional. Their batteries could also be easily ruined by water. You should also consider avoiding using products like hairspray while you have your hearing aids on. Obviously, remember to take them off and store them in a dry place before you go swimming or take a shower. Stepping outside in the rain shouldn't be an issue, but you don't want to go looking for replacement hearing aids for sale if you can help it.

3. Keep Them Safe

Finally, store your hearing aids in a safe place. It may be helpful to keep them out of reach of children and pets, too. The small size of hearing aids can make them easy to misplace, drop, or become a choking hazard. Make sure that when you aren't wearing them, they're stored safely. Don't forget to turn them off when you're not using them and change the filters, wax guards, and batteries as often as needed.

According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, roughly 15% of American adults aged 18 years or older say that they have some trouble with their hearing. This amounts to over 37 million adults. If you have trouble hearing and are looking for hearing aids for sale, call Advantage Hearing Center today for a consultation. We look forward to getting you the hearing aids you need or finding the treatment that's right for you.
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